I didn't want to end my blog on something really depressing so I wanted to set things straight. I am in fact giving up the idea of becoming a makeup artist in he fashion industry, because let's face it; I really son't care about what goes on in fashion. But something I do care about is my unending love for movies. So instead I have decided to pursue a career in special effects makeup! I feel like this is the right path and let's hope I'm right! And if it's not, I'm only 18, I got the rest of my life to figure it out. But fingers crossed on the special effects career! Wish me luck!
I actually wrote this a few months ago.I was going through a rough time so sorry if this kind of make you want to slit your wrists. I just need to rant that day.

I'm just a little over everything. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love makeup. I am completely and utterly devoted to every aspect of it, but today I can't help but feeling like my life is going to have no meaning whatsoever. Is my life really only going to be centered about superficial things like makeup and clothes? After all, makeup is just a mask to hide behind. So what am I hiding from? I couldn't tell you, even if I wanted to, 
    Every time I think I know myself well enough to decide my whole, future I always end up losing more and more of myself in the process.

Everybody likes Starbucks  You don't have to be a coffee lover to enjoy their products. They have tea and other non-coffee products which is always welcomed. Personally, my two favorite products are nearly extreme opposites; there's my current favorite, the caramel frappuccino but I also like to indulge in the espresso every once in a blue moon. I usually get the frappuccino since it's a sweet and light drink. Even now I can taste the decadent buttery taste of the caramel syrup. God, I'm getting cravings... I better stop now.   

Do ever get a song stuck in you head? I do. Like all the time. And the worst times is when it's a song that you hate, buts it's really catchy. Like Taylor Swift's "We Are Never Getting Back Together"; it has no meaning besides that it's about a dumb girl who ends up dating the same guy over and over again.
And you know what Taylor? Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn about your pathetic relationships. You're 23, you've been out of high school for five years. Grow up.
It's too bad that you waste your god-given talent on dumb subjects that you've used over and over again. You have a great voice, and you're obviously a geat guitar player. Why don't use your talents to tour advantage, Count your blessings that your songs get stuck in people's heads really easily. Hopefully one day you'll write something worth a $1.29 on iTunes. Until then, I will continue to listen to your catchy, immature lyrics that rattle around in my brain, since their just as good as the original.

Make a wish! You only get two today, make them count :)
To be a mermaid would totally make my life quite honestly. It would definitely be my super-power. I'm pretty sure everyone has had this fantasy in one or another. To have the ability to breathe and live underwater has always fascinated us regular people. The ocean is a pretty cool place after all. It's so deep and mysterious, and it has beautiful reefs and trenches to explore. Plus if you were a mer-person, you could talk to all the fishes and dolphins, even sharks! You might not want to hang around the sharks, but it's still a cool idea. I mean, just think about it! It would be like visiting a whole new planet!
Now you can just grab some uber expensive scuba gear and go diving, but being able to transform yourself into a hybrid creature of the sea would be way more awesome.

So since I basically named my whole blog about this, you would think that it should be a pretty big factor in my life.

Well, it's not.

I do like glitter, especially orange glitter. But honestly I don't exactly remember the wild hair I got up my butt to make my blog all about girly things. I'm not as girly as I thought I was at the beginning of this blog. Personally, I don't care about high-low skirts, cupping,expensive eyeshadow, or Louis Vuitton heels. I hate high heels actually. I guess it took me writing about this crap to make me realize that it's all just crap.

So thank you Weebly and Mrs. Northard. I know myself a little bit better now.

Sorry for making this post like a diary entry.

Everybody has them. Some are ok to say in public, some aren't. Mine at the moment is a Showtime series called "The Borgias". I've juist spent this past weekend watching all of season one and I am completely hooked! 
    This series is based from the actual lives of the first 'crime family', which is set back in late 15th century Rome. It's mainly about the character, Roderigo Borgia, and how he is able the manipulate his way into becoming the Pope of the Catholic Church. But what's strange about this Pope is that he has four children all from his mistress, who was a former cortisan. His eldest son, Cesare,is his father's devious advisor. He is forced into taking the cloth and following in his father's footsteps when he would rather be in the field of warfare. He's ultimate schemer and has a taste for violence. Plus he's quite attractive. There is the Pope's second son Juan. He is the son that was chosen to be in armor, but he's a wimp. Which makes great tensions between the two eldest sons. Then there is the Pope's beloved daughter Lucrezia. She is as beautiful as she is kind, however, later in the series she develops a darker side to her usually sweet dispostion. And lastly, there is Geoffry. He's only a little boy so he's not a central character yet.
    But Jeremy Irons is in it! He is one of my all time favorite actors and he is just absolutely brilliant. And if you're sitting here thinking "who's Jeremy Irons?" please feel obliged to leave my blog.
    Well I can't really say much else about the series without giving it away. I don't want to be a spoiler so you should go and check it out. Especially if like your TV to have equal amounts of sex and violence in it. It's really great. But heres a warning: if you're like me, and tend to get emotionallly involved with your television series, you're gonna die waiting for each season to come out :)

All right let's get this straight ladies; DO NOT wear colored eyeshadow or lipstick that matches your clothing. It's horrendous, you'll look like a middle-schooler. Personally, I like to wear more neutral during the day such as browns and grays. And every once in awhile I like to add a pop of color. 
    Anyways, prom is coming up. And I am cringing with the thought of the girls with purple dresses wearing overdone purple eyeshadow. It happens every year and I'm not looking forward to it. Especially since I'll be doing other girls' makeup and I'm going to have to find ways to convince them to do it my way. Aka, the right way.
    And you know I get it, I love colorful makeup too. But don't keep using the same color. Instead, use different ones to compliment the color of your clothing. Trust me, you'll look so better if you do.

So this topic has been buzzing around lately. I too have participated in posting the red equal sign on my Instagram account and my Facebook. And as you can tell, I am about to splurge on this. 
     For starters, I'm just going to lay this out there, I am in full support of gay marriage and other gay rights. I am not gay, I like men. A lot. But someting that I like very much is equal treatment. I just don't understand why some people think that it's okay to take basic rights from others. I mean, mind your own damn business. If Jimmy likes Samuel and not Samantha, it does not affect you in any way. Unless Jimmy and Samuel are plotting to harm you or your family, then it isn't your problem. Besides, when did people decide that they are better than others? That's a whole different topic and I really don't want to write a novel on this one blog post.

    Personally, this subject hits very close to home. You see, have I five gay cousins in my family. They're all men and they are the best people you will ever meet. But unfortunately, they were born on my mother's side which is full of southern hicks and homophobes. Now my family did not go too extreme on them by disowning them or anything, but you can tell that they treat them differently. A few of my closest friends are gay too. These people are like family to me, and I would do anything for them. In fact, I would do anything for my cousins and my friends. And it kills me to know that people that I love get hurt everyday because of our dumb society. 

    It's not fair that my cousins and friends are denied rights that everyone deserves. They're not perfect by any means; they're human so they have their flaws. But being homosexual is not a flaw. It's nothing to be ashamed of. When I have a son or daughter and if they turn out to be gay, I want them to live in a place where they can be fully accepter. Love is after all defined by how you feel, not who you are with.