So this topic has been buzzing around lately. I too have participated in posting the red equal sign on my Instagram account and my Facebook. And as you can tell, I am about to splurge on this. 
     For starters, I'm just going to lay this out there, I am in full support of gay marriage and other gay rights. I am not gay, I like men. A lot. But someting that I like very much is equal treatment. I just don't understand why some people think that it's okay to take basic rights from others. I mean, mind your own damn business. If Jimmy likes Samuel and not Samantha, it does not affect you in any way. Unless Jimmy and Samuel are plotting to harm you or your family, then it isn't your problem. Besides, when did people decide that they are better than others? That's a whole different topic and I really don't want to write a novel on this one blog post.

    Personally, this subject hits very close to home. You see, have I five gay cousins in my family. They're all men and they are the best people you will ever meet. But unfortunately, they were born on my mother's side which is full of southern hicks and homophobes. Now my family did not go too extreme on them by disowning them or anything, but you can tell that they treat them differently. A few of my closest friends are gay too. These people are like family to me, and I would do anything for them. In fact, I would do anything for my cousins and my friends. And it kills me to know that people that I love get hurt everyday because of our dumb society. 

    It's not fair that my cousins and friends are denied rights that everyone deserves. They're not perfect by any means; they're human so they have their flaws. But being homosexual is not a flaw. It's nothing to be ashamed of. When I have a son or daughter and if they turn out to be gay, I want them to live in a place where they can be fully accepter. Love is after all defined by how you feel, not who you are with.  

So there's this new thing that has gotten a lot of girls obsessing over: the thigh gap. Honestly, I would love to have one since if you have one that means you're skinny and what girl doesn't want that? All girls want to be skinny and quite frankly, I think us girls are going a little psycho with this thigh gap idea. I hear about girls my age and younger starving themselves just to obtain this physical feature. 
    The thing that I am most disgusted with about this is that the thigh gap is not achievable for all girls. In fact, only girls who are born with wide hips and bowed legs can have the thigh gap. So a good percentage of teenage girls who are killing their bodies to have this stupid gap are doing it and will never see the results they so desperately want. 
    Ladies, this is a dumb obsession! We are not all built like the skinny Tumblr and Instagram girls. Some of us have curves, some have no curves, some are tall with mile-long legs, some are short with yard-long legs, and some are built with hips that can have a thigh gap and some are not. But seriously, we should not focus on the body qualities of others and envy what they have. I mean, so what if you're not as skinny as a toothpick? Marilyn Monroe wasn't either, but she is still redeemed as one of the sexiest women that ever lived. And if you are, then you better work it! You're lucky to be born with such a fast working metabolism!
    Anyways, my point is that we are all beautiful. our differences in appearance is what makes us unique. So don't ever get down on yourself about stupid things such thigh gaps.   

So lately I feel as if I have strayed from my usual topic of fashion and beauty and now I am going to make up for this. Starting with skirts.
Recently there has been this new trend of high-to-low skirts. As you can imagine, they are skirts in which the fabric hangs at its lowest point in the back and is rather short up front. Kind of like a mullet.I actually own one of these, and in fact, I am wearing it right now.

And I hate it.

It's not that I don't like this style of skirt, I really love them, I just don't like mine. For starters I am 5'4 so I am not tall enough to wear it without a pair of six-inch heels. And there's no way I'm going to wear a pair of six-inch heels for eight hours during school. That's basically suicide. So all day I have to put up with walking on my skirt. So much fun. Besides nearly tripping every time I stand up, I have gotten a lot of compliments. I guess it's nice to know that I can pull off this look.  

Anyways, just remember that if you buy one of these, make you're it's not too long in the back. Because you might just trip and break your neck. Keep your neck intact. Life will be easier if you do.