Everybody has them. Some are ok to say in public, some aren't. Mine at the moment is a Showtime series called "The Borgias". I've juist spent this past weekend watching all of season one and I am completely hooked! 
    This series is based from the actual lives of the first 'crime family', which is set back in late 15th century Rome. It's mainly about the character, Roderigo Borgia, and how he is able the manipulate his way into becoming the Pope of the Catholic Church. But what's strange about this Pope is that he has four children all from his mistress, who was a former cortisan. His eldest son, Cesare,is his father's devious advisor. He is forced into taking the cloth and following in his father's footsteps when he would rather be in the field of warfare. He's ultimate schemer and has a taste for violence. Plus he's quite attractive. There is the Pope's second son Juan. He is the son that was chosen to be in armor, but he's a wimp. Which makes great tensions between the two eldest sons. Then there is the Pope's beloved daughter Lucrezia. She is as beautiful as she is kind, however, later in the series she develops a darker side to her usually sweet dispostion. And lastly, there is Geoffry. He's only a little boy so he's not a central character yet.
    But Jeremy Irons is in it! He is one of my all time favorite actors and he is just absolutely brilliant. And if you're sitting here thinking "who's Jeremy Irons?" please feel obliged to leave my blog.
    Well I can't really say much else about the series without giving it away. I don't want to be a spoiler so you should go and check it out. Especially if like your TV to have equal amounts of sex and violence in it. It's really great. But heres a warning: if you're like me, and tend to get emotionallly involved with your television series, you're gonna die waiting for each season to come out :)

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